What is this?

this is Chelsa’s idea to spend my time on the internet and no, i can’t put music on this blog without ka-ching$… so we have to suffer in silence. i’m suppose to blog but i dunno what to blog abt. do ppl usually blog abt their boring lives or complaints abt how unfair the world is???

i thought i’d give my boring life a chance. after all, i’m nt lady GaGA or Ris Low. you shld probably know the things i need to get done during this Dec holi’s:

1. get my asigmatism-impaired eyes to an optician

2. extract four teeth still embedded in my gums before they emerge and make me a bunny.

3. get a prom dress or outfit. whatever.

4. start praying and building faith

5. read my books, travel and do other things i love with people i love

The End.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Bimbo
    Nov 26, 2009 @ 09:36:20

    pls keep this blog alive babe! (:


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